Right! As you may have read on the 'about me' section, I am a karateka practitioner who competes in the semi-contact all styles circuit. So to update y'all about this years results of mine; In March Icompeted in the WP champs and received double gold and then proceeded to attend the KSA (karate South Africa) trials where I was selected to represent KSA for the year.
So basically this means that I get to go to australia( karate Commonwealth games) AND New zealand in July to represent South Africa. This indeed makes me very excited as i do LOVE to travel (who doesnt?).
Also i may or may not be going to Malaysia for the WKF(World Karate Federation) junior World champs.
Here are photos of me fighting in Kumite at the KSA trials.
I think i may post some videos of me aswell, once i work out hoe to do that! enjoy!