Okay Wow.
This last weekend has been epic.
It has been awesome!
Basically myself and the HUGELY gamungous Western Province team travelled up to the town of oudsthoorn to compete in the tra-angular champs! Just to give you a perspective, we had 3 bus's of 50 AND there were more driving up on there own. This was the biggest team I've ever traveled with!
The tournament was awesome! So well organised by SWD (south west districts) specifically Oudsthoorn. They even got a group of dancers to open the event. One of my friends from SWD actually sympathized with 'poor' Oudtshoorn saying, "Shame, they are trying so hard" (Successfully!)
The Champs was a great success. Nat winning Bronze for kumite, Taz winning Silver for kumite, Luke Romyne winning silver for kata and gold for kumite, Myself, double gold, Doug Graham, Silver for kumite, Bjorn Isaac winning Gold for kumite , Danika VB winning double Gold and Tiff VB winning double bronze!
Western Province did so well that we actually took home the trophy, which was an amazing moment as all 150 of us grouped together, in our blue tracksuits, and celebrated the victory!
Here is a picture of my dojo and coaches with the trophy!
Now for the 'More' part...
My fundraiser!
Last night I had the 2nd Theatre Sports event at Kalk bay theatre and it went better than last time! (I know!, i didn't think that was possible) I'm sure many of you who were there had a good belly laugh and left with smiles on your faces, i know I did! But this smile that is stuck to my face even now, is mainly because I have such awesome friends and support that I am so grateful for!
So thank you!
For you have truly made these 2 nights a success and my trip to Australia possible!
I'm sure I have said this before, but if not, YOU ARE AMAZING!
Until next time, have a great holiday! and stay awesome!
(There is a video on its way of myself in the team event in Oudtshoorn!, so be excited!)