my unison team 2009

my unison team 2009

Sunday, 5 June 2011

I need YOUR Help!

As i mentioned in my 1st blog, i have been selected to attend the Commomwealth karate champs in Austrialia aswell as a Tournament in New Zealand. Now, as you can imagine, this makes me very excited indeed but unfortunitly (or fortunitly) I need YOUR (YES! YOUR) help in getting me there.

But, lets be honest, I'm not just gonna stand at your doorstep and beg, no, I've decided to make this fun for everyone. So this is the plan...

Have you ever heard of Whose Line is it Anyway? (If not seriously, click here). Well there is a an amazing group called Improguise who do the same thing and BOY, is it HILARIOUS! So I managed to arrange two nights where you can all have a delicious dinner, some wine and laugh until your belly is sore while watching these Improguise.

Here is the invitation with the details.
If you cant see any of the writing click on the picture and I think it will enlarge. If that still doesnt work then you can either comment or email me at

I hope to see you all there! Trust me, it will be such a jam!