my unison team 2009

my unison team 2009

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Verdict

I have to start this blog with a huge apology that I haven't updated in a while! It has been so busy here and almost impossible to get onto the only computer between 200 people!

Over the last weekend I competed in the Commonwealth Karate Championships and, if I may say, Holy Moly the level is amazing here. I was speechless as I watched 10 year olds do kata to a standard that I could never do it! My division was very tough! I went against champ after champ after champ (I almost had a heart attack when I saw my drawsheet for the first time). BUT I managed to place third! Which I am so unbelievably proud of!

Doug Graham placed bronze in a very close and tough kumite division.
Natalie Faint and Tasneem Cozyn fought a part of the Team kumite 14-15 years and their team placed silver! (This team is the reason I have no voice)
Did I mention the standard was spectacular-I think I may have.

Anyways, I am leaving the hotel at 11(which is about midnight for all of you peeps) and as soon as I get back I will update you awesome people on my whole trip. However, I may pass out as I enter my Front door so bear with me here.

Until then. I miss you guys